
Information on abstract submission for oral and poster presentations will be uploaded on this page in 2025. 

Submissions are welcome on all aspects of semiconductor research. Please email your submissions to uksemiconductors@sheffield.ac.uk, stating your preferred symposia:

    • A – Physics in Semiconductors
    • B – Optical Devices
    • C – Electronic Devices
    • D – Semiconductor Materials and Nanostructures
    • E – Mid-IR and THz Devices
    • F – Organic, Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Semiconductors and Perovskites
    • G – Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors
    • TMD – 2D materials (in association with TMD-UK)

Abstracts should be a single sheet of A4, sent in PDF or Word document format.  Please ensure you include a list of authors, affiliations and a corresponding author email.

Photo of talk at a previous conference



Please indicate in your covering email if you have a preferred symposium, but the Programme Co-ordinator will check each abstract anyway and make sure it is submitted to the most relevant symposium and has the best chance to be selected for your preferred presentation type. The symposium to which the abstract has been submitted will be included in the email reply you will receive confirming receipt of your abstract.

If your abstract has been selected for a talk, the standard duration is 15 minutes so you should prepare a talk of around 12 minutes duration with 3 minutes for questions. Your presentation should be in PowerPoint or pdf format and should be uploaded to the lecture theatre computer via USB stick before the start of your talk session. The email confirming selection of your abstract for a talk will also include which day of the conference your talk will be scheduled.

If your abstract has been selected for a poster, posters should be a maximum size of A0 portrait in order to fit on the poster boards. Please print your poster prior to arriving at the conference as we cannot guarantee that local printing services will be able to print it in time. Poster sessions are on the lunchtime of day 1 or day 2, depending on the symposium – the day of your presentation will be included in the email confirming selection of your abstract for a poster. The poster boards will be available from the morning of your poster session; if you have a poster on day 1 please take it down by the end of the day so the boards can be made ready for day 2.

Please see the abstract submission page on our website.

Abstracts should be a single sheet of A4 suitable for black and white printing.  PDFs or Word documents are acceptable.  Please ensure you include authors, affiliations and corresponding author email.

Please see the abstract submission page on our website.

Submission is by emailing uksemiconductors@sheffield.ac.uk stating your preferred symposia.

We will send you an email confirming receipt of your abstract as soon as possible once we have received it and allocated it to a symposium – please allow up to 48 hours, especially at busy periods for example near the abstract deadline. Once the abstract deadline has passed the programme committee will put together the programme and we will send out emails confirming selection of your presentation for talks or poster presentations in early May.