6th-7th July 2022, Sheffield Hallam University

Plenary speakers:
- Wolfgang Stolz (Phillipps University Marburg) – Novel III/V-based materials and device concepts for laser applications realized by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE)
- Tina Müller (Toshiba Europe Ltd.) – Quantum dot based devices for telecom wavelength quantum networks
- Yuichi Oshima (National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan) – Halide vapor phase epitaxy of ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor α-Ga2O3 toward power device applications
- Eoin O’Reilly (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork) – Band structure engineering and the quest for ideal semiconductor materials and devices

IOP Thesis Prize speaker:
- Adam Wright (Princeton University) – Charge-carrier dynamics and optoelectronic properties of metal halide perovskites for solar cells
Invited speakers:
- Nicholas Martin (University of Sheffield) – Valley-Hall resonator devices for integrated quantum photonic circutis
- Luca Sapienza (University of Glasgow) – Metallic nano-rings for broadband extraction of quantum light
- Aiden Campbell (Heriot-Watt University) – Tuning moiré bands in a 2L WSe2/1L MoSe2 heterotrilayer
- Daniel Gillard (University of Sheffield) – Giant effective Zeeman splitting in a monolayer semiconductor realised by spin selective strong light-matter coupling
- Samuel Magorrian (University of Warwick) – Band alignment and interlayer hybridisation in van der Waals heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides and hexagonal boron nitride
- James Kerfoot (Park Systems UK Ltd.) – Mapping and manipulating ferroelectric domains in parallel stacked hexagonal boron nitride with electrical AFM
Sponsors for UK Semiconductors 2022: