UK Semiconductors 2022

6th-7th July 2022, Sheffield Hallam University

Plenary speakers:

  • Wolfgang Stolz (Phillipps University Marburg) – Novel III/V-based materials and device concepts for laser applications realized by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE)
  • Tina Müller (Toshiba Europe Ltd.) – Quantum dot based devices for telecom wavelength quantum networks
  • Yuichi Oshima (National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan) – Halide vapor phase epitaxy of ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor α-Ga2O3 toward power device applications
  • Eoin O’Reilly (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork) – Band structure engineering and the quest for ideal semiconductor materials and devices

IOP Thesis Prize speaker:

  • Adam Wright (Princeton University) – Charge-carrier dynamics and optoelectronic properties of metal halide perovskites for solar cells

Invited speakers:

  • Nicholas Martin (University of Sheffield) – Valley-Hall resonator devices for integrated quantum photonic circutis
  • Luca Sapienza (University of Glasgow) – Metallic nano-rings for broadband extraction of quantum light
  • Aiden Campbell (Heriot-Watt University) – Tuning moiré bands in a 2L WSe2/1L MoSe2 heterotrilayer
  • Daniel Gillard (University of Sheffield) – Giant effective Zeeman splitting in a monolayer semiconductor realised by spin selective strong light-matter coupling
  • Samuel Magorrian (University of Warwick) – Band alignment and interlayer hybridisation in van der Waals heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides and hexagonal boron nitride
  • James Kerfoot (Park Systems UK Ltd.) – Mapping and manipulating ferroelectric domains in parallel stacked hexagonal boron nitride with electrical AFM

Sponsors for UK Semiconductors 2022:

Lambda Photometrics is a leading supplier of characterisation, measurement and analysis equipment
Lambda Photometrics
Wentworth Laboratories has been providing leading-edge wafer test solutions for over 50 years
Wentworth Laboratories
DCA Instruments
DCA Instruments
Wafer Technology: Europe's most comprehensive source of advanced semiconductor wafers
Wafer Technology Ltd.
SENTECH Instruments, experts in thin film measurement and plasma process technology
SENTECH Instruments GmbH
Specialised in inspection, metrology, failure analysis, slot-die coating and calibration standards
Kummer Semiconductor Technology
Mi-Net Technology is a supplier of advanced products and services for scientific research and industry
Mi-Net Technology Ltd
Surrey Ion Beam Centre
Surrey Ion Beam Centre
Korvus Technology
KAUST Core Labs
Moorfield Nanotechnology
Moorfield Nanotechnology