The route from the car park to the entrance is accessible to a wheelchair user with assistance. Assistance may be required because there is/are slopes/ramps. The car park surface is block paving and there is not a road to cross between the car park and the entrance.
Accessible Toilets
There is an accessible toilet on Level 6 outside the entrance of Hallam View. There is step-free access via a lift and a key is not required for access. There is also an accessible toilet on Level 5 (main entrance floor) to the left of the Hallam Kitchen. There is ramped/sloped access, and a key is not required.
Disabled Parking
There are 4 disabled parking bays outside the main entrance, at the end of Arundel Street. A blue badge must be displayed and you do not need to make a reservation beforehand.
The lifts are located at the rear of the foyer, straight ahead from the main entrance.
The lift controls are on a touchscreen in the lift lobbies. The height to the top of the touchscreen is 116cm. After selecting the destination floor the screen displays which lift to use.
The clear door width is 99cm (3ft 3in). The dimensions of the lifts are 203cm x 164cm (6ft 8in x 5ft 5in).
There are no separate entry and exit doors in the lifts. There is a mirror to aid reversing out of the lift.
The lifts have a visual floor indicator, audible announcer and hearing enhancement system. The lift does not have Braille markings.
Prayer Rooms
There are various prayer rooms on the Multifaith corridor on Level 2, which are clearly signposted.
Quiet Room
There is a designated quiet room in Room 226 on the Multifaith corridor. There are individual seats with plug sockets and a lamp with dividers enabling people to have space for themselves.
Further Information
For further accessibility information and guidance at Sheffield Hallam University, please visit: Atrium | AccessAble