- Richard Warburton (University of Basel) – A Semiconductor Quantum Dot in an Open Microcavity
- Paul Meredith (Swansea University) – Mind the Gap: the Impact of Trap States on the Photovoltaic Thermodynamics of Molecular and Other Partially Disordered Semiconductors
- Roman Gorbachev (University of Manchester) – Recent Progress in Ultraclean Assembly of van der Waals Heterostructures
- Pedro Vianez (University of Cambridge) – IOP Semiconductor Physics Group Thesis Prize Talk – Semiconductor Nanodevices as a Probe of Strong Electron Correlations
- Sean Redmond (Silicon Catalyst UK) – Photonics Egg and CHIPS
- Dave Rogers (Nanovation) – The Dawn of the Era of Gallium Oxide Based Space Electronics?
- Sarah Haigh (University of Manchester) – Probing Surfaces and Twisted Interfaces in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Tom Hopper (PhD Imperial College London) – IOP Semiconductor Physics Group Thesis Prize Talk – Ultrafast photophysics and energy losses in emerging photovoltaic materials and devices
- Wolfgang Stolz (Phillipps University Marburg) – Novel III/V-based materials and device concepts for laser applications realized by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE)
- Tina Müller (Toshiba Europe Ltd.) – Quantum dot based devices for telecom wavelength quantum networks
- Yuichi Oshima (National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan) – Halide vapor phase epitaxy of ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor α-Ga2O3 toward power device applications
- Eoin O’Reilly (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork) – Band structure engineering and the quest for ideal semiconductor materials and devices
- Andras Kis (EPFL) – Exciton Manipulation in Heterostructures of 2D Materials
- Susanna Thon (Johns Hopkins) – Spectral Engineering of Semiconductor Nanocrystal Films for Next-Generation Photovoltaics
- Andy Carter (Oclaro Inc. (retired)) – InP-based photonic integrated circuits – a personal perspective on a key technology for telecommunications
- Eric Tournié (University of Montpellier) “GaSb-based materials and devices: the IR toolbox”
- Arne Ludwig (Ruhr University Bochum) “Towards low noise semiconductor quantum dots”
- Amalia Patanè (University of Nottingham) “From epitaxy to science and processing technologies of novel van der Waals crystals”
- Anna Barnett (University of Sussex) “Advances in Wide Bandgap Compound Semiconductor Radiation Detectors”
- Joshua Robinson, Penn State University, USA: Graphene and Beyond: Creating and Exploring Atomically-Thin Materials and Heterostructures.
- Mark Holmes, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan: Single photon emission from III-Nitride nanowire QDs.
- Johann Peter Reithmaier, Institute of Nanostructure Technologies and Analytics, University of Kassel, Germany: 1.5 µm InP-based quantum dot materials for high-performance classical and quantum optical communication
- Christopher Bower, CTO, X-Celeprint Inc., North Carolina, USA, & Cork, Ireland: Transfer-Printed Microscale Semiconductors: Techniques and Applications
- Andrea Fiore: (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) – Nano-opto-electro-mechanical Systems Based on III-V Semiconductors
- Russell Dupuis: (Georgia Tech, USA) – The Growth and Properties of III-N Wide-Bandgap Semiconductor Devices OR An Anorak’s Guide to the Practical Use of Aluminium, Eka-Aluminium and Noxious Air
- Anna Fontcuberta i Morral: (EPFL, Switzerland) – III-V Semiconductor Nanowires and Related Heterostructures
- David Mitzi: (Duke University, USA) – Perovskites Semiconductors: Opportunities for Photovoltaics and Beyond.
- Kenichi Nishi (QD Laser Inc., Japan) “Realization of superior characteristics in mass-produced quantum dot lasers”
- Frank Koppens (ICFO, Barcelona, Spain) “Novel ultra-fast and nanoscale opto-electronic phenomena in 2d material heterostructures”
- Shigefusa Chichibu (Tohoku University, Japan) “Wide bandgap III-nitride semiconductors for short wavelength light emitters”
- Markus Amann (Technical University of Munich, Germany) “Novel InP- and GaSb-based light sources for the near infrared”
- Michael Kneissl (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) “UV-LEDs – the long road towards shorter wavelengths”
- Jerome Faist (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) “Quantum cascade laser combs at mid-infrared and terahertz frequencies”
- Brian Bennett (Naval Research Laboratories, USA) “Antimonide-based compound semiconductors for low power electronics”
- Hywel Morgan (University of Southampton, UK) “Common solid state electronics technologies for healthcare”
- Stephen Forrest (University of Michigan, USA), “High intensity organic emission achieved by engineering excited states in organic thin films”
- Lucia Sorba (Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, Pisa, Italy), “Growth of III-V nanowires: from fundamental physics to device application”
- Pascale Senellart (LPN-CNRS, France) “Cavity quantum electrodynamics with semiconductor quantum dots”
- Rüdiger Quay (Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Solid-State Physics, Germany) “Gallium Nitride: The Prospects of Efficient Power Conversion for the Green (R)evolution”
- Jerry Meyer (Naval Research Laboratory, USA) “A New Generation of Interband Cascade Lasers for the 3-6 µm Spectral Band”
- Jean-Michel Gérard (CEA Grenoble, France) “Quantum Optics in Photonic Wires: Basics and Application to ‘Ultrabright’ Single-Photon Sources”
- Pallab Bhattacharya (University of Michigan, USA) “Nitride-Based Quantum Dot Visible Lasers and Single Photon Sources”
- Nir Tessler (Technion Haifa, Israel) “Organic Electronics: An Electrical Engineering Perspective of a Material Driven Field”
- Thomas Südmeyer (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) “The MIXSEL: An Integrated Ultrafast Gigahertz Semiconductor Laser with Multi-Watt Average Output Power”
- Peter Lohdahl (Technical University of Denmark) “Quantum Electrodynamics with Quantum Dots in Photonic Nanostructures”
- Karl Leo (TU Dresden, Germany) “Organics – Bad Semiconductors for Good Devices”
- Hideo Ohno (Tohoku University, Japan) “Manipulating Magnetism in Semiconductors”
- Diana Huffaker (UCLA, USA) “Growth of III-Sb Diode Lasers on GaAs and Si”
- Matty Caymax (IMEC, Belgium) “Issues and Solutions for Co-Integration of Ge and III-V MOSFETs for Beyond 22 nm Technology Generation CMOS”
- Vladimir Bulović (MIT, USA) “Bright and Colourful LEDs Built with Nanostructured Semiconductors”
- Paul Koenraad (TU Eindhoven, Netherlands) “Probing the Electronic and Magnetic Structure of a Single Impurity in a Semiconductor”
- Umesh Mishra (UCSB, USA) “The New Face of GaN: Technology and Applications”
- Takashi Asano (Kyoto University, Japan) “New Trends in Photonic Crystals”
- Carlo Sirtori (Université Paris-Diderot Paris-7, France) “Unipolar Optoelectronics: Physics and Devices”
- Thomas Kazior (Raytheon, USA) “Progress and Challenges in the Direct Monolithic Integration of III-V Devices and Si CMOS on Silicon Substrates”
- Gabriel Bester (Max Planck Institute Stuttgart, Germany) “Atomistic Theory of Nanostructures: New Insights and Perspectives”
- Mark Erikkson (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) “Spin Blockade and Coherence-Enhanced Transport in a Few-Electron Si/SiGe Double Quantum Dot”
- Armando Rastelli (Leibniz Institute, Dresden, Germany) “Towards Position- and Wavelength-Controlled Quantum Dots for Single Dot Based Devices”
- Aristide Lemaitre (CNRS-LPN, Marcoussis, France) “GaMnAs Semimagnetic Semiconductors and Mn-doped Quantum Dots”
- Harold Gamble (Queens University Belfast, UK) “Post-CMOS Device Structures: Ge on Insulator”
- Jonathan Finley (TU Munich, Germany) “Tunable Single Dot Nanosystems for Solid-State Cavity-QED”
- Le-Si Dang (Université J. Fourier, Grenoble, France) “Bose-Einstein Condensation and Photon Lasing in Semiconductor Microcavities”
- Thomas Ihn (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) “Transport and Noise in AFM-Defined Nanostructures”
- Mitsuru Sugawara (Fujitsu/QD Laser, Japan) “Self-Assembled InAs Quantum Dot Lasers and Optical Amplifiers for Optical Communication”
- Wladek Walukiewicz (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, USA) “Highly Mismatched Alloys: A New Class of Compound Semiconductors”
- Eoin O’Reilly (Tyndall National Institute, Ireland) “Single- and Discrete-Mode Spectral Manipulation in Index-Patterned Fabry-Perot Lasers”
- Yasuhiko Arakawa (RCAST, University of Tokyo, Japan) “Growth and Physics of GaN-based Quantum Dots for Application to Single Photon Sources”
- Tomas Jungwirth (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) “Electric-Field Controlled Spintronic Devices”
- Frank Koppens (TU Delft, Netherlands) “Single Electron Spin Resonance in Coupled Quantum Dots”