The organisers would like to thank everyone who participated in 2010’s event making it the most successful UK Semiconductors Conference to date! Attendance was strong posting a new record of 262 delegates and 14 exhibitors! We were particularly pleased with the quality of the program which included 40 poster presentation, 80 contributed oral presentations and 6 world-class plenary and invited talks. Of particular satisfaction was the success of the new symposium on Organic and organic/inorganic Hybrid semiconductors and the Focus Session on Photovoltaics.
Local Organisers:
Kris Groom (Chair), Paul Fry (Co-chair & Exhibition), Anne Atkinson (Admin)
Plenary Invited Speakers:
Paul Koenraad, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Diana Huffaker, University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Matty Caymax, IMEC, Belgium.
Vladimir Bulović, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
Keith Barnham, Imperial College London, U.K.