UK Semiconductors 2014

This years invited speakers were:

  • Michael Kneissl (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) “UV-LEDs – the long road towards shorter wavelengths”
  • Jerome Faist (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) “Quantum cascade laser combs at mid-infrared and terahertz frequencies”
  • Brian Bennett (Naval Research Laboratories, USA) “Antimonide-based compound semiconductors for low power electronics”
  • Hywel Morgan (University of Southampton, UK) “Common solid state electronics technologies for healthcare”

Thanks to our exhibitors:
Logitech SPS
lambda-photo-logo SSScientiffic

Lot-Oriel Ossila Omni_Tech National_instruments Sheff_Sci_Gateway Agilent kummer logo 14 Microsystems Busch AXTLogo