With the kind agreement of his family, friends, and colleagues, the IOP Research Communication Competition has been renamed in the memory of Phil Buckle. Phil was one of the most enthusiastic and supportive members of our community and had a passion for communicating ideas and research in a manner accessible to all. The competition, organised by the IOP Semiconductor Physics Group, is open to all PhD students attending the conference to give a 3-minute presentation outlining your PhD research suitable for a non-specialist audience. Cash prizes are awarded to the winning presentations.

– To be eligible you must be currently undertaking a PhD project.
– You may sign up for the competition when registering for the conference or email uksemiconductors@sheffield.ac.uk to register your interest.
– IOP membership is not required to sign-up for the competition – though it is always encouraged.
– Unfortunately the number of places are limited, so please register as soon as you can.
Time and Location
Presentation Format
– Presentations should communicate the most interesting and important points of your PhD research in a succinct way and in layman’s terms to a generalist audience – think of it like explaining your research to your friends or family who don’t necessarily have a background in scientific research (or indeed semiconductor physics and devices).
– Overhead slides may be used if you feel these are most appropriate though it is recommended that you keep it to a maximum of 3 slides. Feel free to be creative and use some other presentation format to communicate your research if you feel this is a better option.
– Each presentation will be strictly limited to 3 minutes.
– Due to time constraints there will be no questions from the audience at the end of each presentation.
Non-participating delegates
The competition will be an open event to everyone attending the conference so delegates who are not presenting in the competition are invited to join the audience to view the presentations.
Any other questions about the competition?
Please email uksemiconductors@sheffield.ac.uk
IOP Semiconductor Group